David Rubin & I Discuss Censorship & Fascism’s True History

David Rubin turns out to be a great guy with whom to have an intellectual conversation. This too much is what an intelligent host sounds like.

If there are any other hosts out there like this, on the Left or the Right, I’d be happy to talk with you. (Is Ceynk still in business? If so, someone send him this and asks if he wants to get together again: we spoke around 2008 and again a time or two, and believe it or not had productive conversations.)

  1. Patrick, do you think it’s an extreme response to begin seeking a different country to raise my girls in? If they can rig elections and get away with it then I don’t quite see how we can turn it around. My dad says we have turned it around before, but I feel like it’s different this time. I wouldn’t leave unless things got worse…..any advice? I am so tired of worrying! Thanks for all you do to keep us informed! Also…any country suggestions?

      1. Yeah but… where are we gonna go? All other western and developed nations are consumed and governed by the same NWO entity with populations even more brainwashed than ours, embracing authoritarian rule. And developing nations are under the cabal/NWO thumb as well. I greatly admire Peru and several African nations for standing up to them but life seems dangerous in these nations. (According to reports but who the hell knows?). I’m not sure there is a free nation out there. If there is, please let us know. Then otoh, shouldn’t we stay and fight? We got handed freedom on a silver platter and we bail once it’s our turn to protect it?

        1. Poland is where I was looking. And my great grandparents left their country because America had more to offer for the future of their family, it’s not any easier than staying, harder sacrifice, but it’s about the future of my family.

      2. Hey, Patrick –
        By what method did they determine that you “have covid”?
        With a PRC test? LOL
        Credibility: Zero
        Our Founding Fathers left England for America, and ended up having to choose oppression or war, anyway. Stay and fight back. Globalism is -global. But if you are a politically well-connected billionaire, with international connections, SURE! Why not just sign up to colonize Mars or start learning Danish? Let earthlings and the 99% reap what they’ve sown. Right?
        rebelnews.com – click Fight the Fines (for Canadians)
        Educate and organize LOCALLY, if you are stuck (locked down) in the nest they claim you voted for. (You didn’t vote for a bed of roses! You voted for thorns!) Get local. NOTE: Ginger is good for nausea. Prudent, no doubt, to stock up. Hypocrisy and corruption are far more sickening than any flu.

    1. It’s not easy moving abroad. I almost moved to the UK years ago when I was engaged to a Brit. Expensive lawyers, forms to fill out precisely or be rejected, income and education requirements to be met, specific timelines, etc. Unlike us, other countries enforce their immigration laws. Although now it seems the easy way to get into the UK is to claim you are from Africa seeking asylum and float across the Channel in a dinghy. Nigel Farage might even make a video of you for his youtube channel! If you have a specific country in mind, check out their immigration department website.

    2. Hi Jenna,
      If you go to the UK, they are in full lockdown and talking about mandatory vaccines. We will be there soon if the plan doesn’t work out.

    3. Vote with your feet and move to Florida. Do some DD on Ron DeSantis and you will see that he is a true leader who puts the good of his citizens above all else.

      1. DeSantis can only be elected one more term and that is IF there is a fair election. Which I doubt will happen anywhere going forward.
        Better to start joining the other States talking succession.

    4. Maybe we should start pushing for succession. Texas and Wyoming are considering it. I plan on finding out if my State would be interested. DeSantis can only be elected for one more term and considering how fraudulent elections are he might not make it.

    5. I hear that Hungary and Israel are free countries that are not under the globalist thumb, and they are developed countries. Poland is not as free of globalists,as Hungary and Israel.
      I would recommend Hungary.

  2. Jenna was asking for country suggestions, Patrick. I am thinking the same way and was looking forward to reading your specific response.

    1. See my response to Jenna above. There will likely be Covid travel bans for several months yet.

      The City-Data forums have individual forums by country and state where you can ask residents and expats for advice.

      1. Thanks, Pam.👍

        Information abounds, but this site is Byrne-specific, and Patrick’s insight is why I come here.😊 He is always welcome to answer or not and still be appreciated, but I would love to hear his thoughts on where he might move if he had a young family.👶

        I’m not sure if I will ever leave the US permanently myself, but I do worry about my children and their future families. My oldest son is currently studying biology and neuroscience, and is driven to become a surgeon. My little one is a hard-core science lover already, and has a boundless imagination. If they continue with their STEM educations as planned, they may truly have a chance to get out, if desired or necessary. My job, as their mother, is to never stop thinking about that possibility for a single moment, and to seek wisdom on the subject from those who possess it.

        Sounds like you really went through hell trying to move to the UK. Did you still manage to tie the knot?💍 I hope you did and that you and your handsome Brit are very happy together.❤ I’m sure his accent is to die for.😉

          1. Pashta, I couldn’t agree more.💕

            My older son was homeschooled all the way thru and my little one is homeschooled now. I believe I’d sell my soul to the devil himself to keep my little guy out of government schools.😂

            I do worry though about Kamala Harris and her love for the 10-hour public school day and her belief in bussing over school choice. What will those policies do to this generation of children? 💔



        1. UK is making transgender ideology mandatory in schools. US is the front line of fight with communism. If US falls, every single territory in the world is going to fall much faster and lower. I assure you. With all that has happened still the best place you can be in the world is the US. As another user has suggested, homeschooling can always be an option. I am not sure if there is any developed nation in the world which respects the Church more than middle class Americans. Weekly church service, also if you can, you can talk to your neighbors about founding affordable private schools in which you can get in charge of what children get taught. If you conservatives leave the US, then the country just falls faster and easier to the grip of the commies and everywhere else would follow. You might even be able to pressure the public schools to change if you get politically active and organise with other conservative parents. If all else fails, your other option is organising weekly conservative discussion sessions for families in which kids also participate to learn what’s going on around them so that they won’t get indoctrinated at school. But whatever you do, please don’t leave the front line of fight. You can affect many things if you work hard to make sure your next generation gets raised the right way. I would go as far as saying that grandparents can take their grandkids to church if the parents themselves are brainwashed and won’t attend.

  3. Patrick,

    What happened a week or so ago when you said a meeting didn’t go as planned and you would let us know after the 20th? Maybe you can’t say, which I completely understand.

    Thank you for trying, I believe there was foreign interference in the election(s) based on your findings. I’m terribly disappointed nothing was done about it.

    Thank you again, you are a good man for trying to expose the truth. Apparently truth no longer matters.

    Best regards

    1. Hi Clint, you are referring to a FAKE Telegram channel that said that. The imposter also deleted all of those posts within hours. Examples: Sidney, Gen. Flynn & military intelligence meeting with Trump. Then he said something happened that wasn’t supposed to happen. 1776-2021. None of that happened.

      1. Thanks Karen, hard to know with all the fake stuff. MSM is terrible but looking for truth elsewhere is bad as well. Time to turn it all off I suppose.
        Thank you for your response.

  4. Hi Patrick. Appreciate your perspective on all this mess. We’ve heard for weeks that you and Sidney Powell have all the data — proof — of the electronic hacking of the machines. We’ve seen lists of IP addresses, lists of countries that were involved, a video of a lawyer claiming there’s a confession in Italy. Servers in Germany and China, cool animations. It all sounds plausible, possibly convincing to non-technical people. But plausibility drops by the day unless there’s something to back up the claims. (I’m a software guy — a list of IP addresses doesn’t tell me what data is flowing; also, how did you get the IP addresses).

    For proof, I’d want to see a system diagram, what data is flowing to and from endpoints, firewalls, routers, encryption protocols, how a manual recount matches the hacked vote count, and how you gathered the data. Does such exist, or is this a myth? If it exists, why has it not been published?

    We’ve also heard what you told DOJ about bribery, etc. in 2016. But crickets from DOJ — any reason to believe they even care? Bill Barr apparently says claims of large-scale fraud are lies, and nothing suggests they’ve heard your story from 2016. What are we supposed to think?

    1. Keith as a Lead ISO 27001:2013 assessor and solutions architect guy working in Government Contracting (I worked for DRS Technologies in Herndon World gate 06-08 prior to in becoming the named Italian Gov Contractor implicated in SATCOM \data manipulation) …I would want to see the data flow diagram as exactly as you laid out.

      I know Applied Security Ops Group out of TX performed extensive forensics \ vulnerability assessments (they kicked out a data flow diagram) and as seen in an interview presented, and this information (50 plus page report co-authored by dozens of Cyber SMEs) to DHS\FBI. CEO of Allied RR claims they didn’t do anything to entertain his groups assessment. I can see that as DHS\FBI are largely incompetent agencies as we’ve seen.

      Between the claims of voter irregularity (dead voters, out of state voters) rejection of poll watchers particularly in swing states, live vote irregularities as seen on TV at 3 AM (when votes were reversed) ; open source (GA civil suit, Texas rejection of Dominion for not meeting baseline security) and long history of Dominion (and other platforms) being very problematic …in short I’d say and agree with you that not only was fraud plausible but I’d say it perhaps systemic and pre=planned in targeted states.

      Lawfare was leveraged under the guise of COVID, PsyOps deployed from Ret. General S McCrystal et al. Additionally, it seems Trumps legal approach was amateurish, not enough force was brought to bear early in the game (as Matt Braynard notes with respect to validating voter rolls\integrity; etc….
      It would not surprise me one bit if the Norm Eisen’s Atlantic Council DNC et al war-gammed months in advance b\c they knew they could not win without cheating…

      At the end of the day 80 million (prob more) voters are (or whatever % of that) are let with the conclusion that President Biden is illegitimate and everything around the installation of this administration is illegitimate. This is very damaging to the Republic…let alone our psyche’s. None of these e-Voting systems would ever be given authorization to operate (ATO) on a Federal network.

      I want answers and I want to know what recourse millions of us have. Class action suits like Sydney Powell suggests…? I feel the elite crowd in DC (who have utter contempt for Americans by the way) will suppress any efforts to produce forensics on the 2020 election, and perhaps even prosecute those that attempt to.

      1. Tom Welsh said, “I can see that as DHS\FBI are largely incompetent agencies as we’ve seen.”

        I would change incompetent to CORRUPT. That appears to be the issue we are having with all government, intelligence agencies, big tech, media, courts, et al.

  5. I hope this Celtic mythology finds people –

    at the mountain at the end of the world, where the sun bids farewell to the land and to the day before he presses on to the land of the rising sun. There, a whole nation guards the gate they call a window. It is the last earthly entrance to that unmani- fested world from which we come forth as travelers into our mothers’ wombs. It is also said to be the window through which we pass after our sojourn in this illusion of time. That nation is called Ixtlan and they remember that all men are brothers past all pretense and arrogance. They are the “people of the window” to the present that is aeternal.

      1. Ixtklan Tklan in Welsh means “a group of people.” When asked the name of their group, most native peoples replied “The people.” Since the Spaniards most likely heard this response as Ix tklan, this may explain the origin of the word Esselen.

        1. I asked my Welsh friend in the UK. His reply:

          “That’s not Welsh! Spelt like that more like some Afghanistan language – perhaps!

          “So on basis that possibly a phonetic version, I tried “Ichlan Tchlan” into Google translate from Welsh although it doesn’t look right.. Nothing.

          1. This is from a resource – researcher who knew 20 languages. He’s passed away so we can’t ask him. The point is the passage itself and not all the scholarship.

      2. defiantly not Castaneda.. but the name is the same. Ixtlan according to Don Juan was a metaphor for childhood. The longing to return to a place that you can never get back too. That concept had a great effect on me. Now with young children, I know that they currently exist in Ixtlan and I work to give them the security and happiness to remember this time with the same longing I have for my Ixtlan.

        1. It’s from a book Synthesis Remembered and is Merlin speaking. In the book it’s Merlin speaking to Lancelot.

  6. There is still hope, folks! The whole news broadcast is interesting, but if you want just the best part about the military’s upcoming role, start listening around 28:00. I’ve summarized that last bit below if you don’t want to watch for five minutes.

    RedPill78 – The Corruption Detector, January 20 “SCARE EVENT, It Had to be Done By the Book”

    Military still haven’t left DC where they were sent to control riots. There are no riots. No one is around except coup plotters and traitors. Why isn’t The Pentagon cooperating with the Biden transition team, refusing access to top secret and special ops info? Trump still has the nuclear football, too.

    As president elect, Biden took a private jet, not a government jet, to DC which has never happened before. If the military has proof of fraud, they have the duty under military Code 11.3 to remove the false government and to restore a new legal civilian government. That was triggered when Biden was sworn in, with the assistance of foreign nations, and made his government illegitimate.

    During the McCarthy era there was a fear of communists taking over, so provisions allow the military to take control while removing the illegitimate government. Military will run the elections. They are the last line of defense of the Constitution if illegal government is installed. That’s why a jet wasn’t sent for Biden — they know he isn’t a legitimate president. Military is responsible for restoring government. Otherwise foreign powers will gain control.

    There will be false flags aka terrorist attacks, explosions and fires when this happens within a few days. So if you live in a city, stock up on supplies and stay inside.

  7. Patrick, I really enjoyed your conversation with David Rubin. Would really love to hear yours and David’s thoughts post-inauguration….maybe think about a follow up! Specifically, I’m interested in knowing: 1) if you still feel the election corruption will be exposed. 2) your thoughts on why Trump did not pardon Assange, Snowden, and Ulbricht. 3) your thoughts on whether we should delete our Twitter and Facebook accounts? 4) how do we survive the next 4 years? Bear in mind I voted for HRC in 2016. After the initial shock, i decided rather than be consumed with hate, I’d seek to understand the Trump voter. I turned off cable news and an entire new world opened up.

    People are craving truthful information. Your quiet enjoyable to listen to….you might think about a podcast of your own!

    I hope you are well. Don’t stay away too long!

    Thank you for everything!

  8. Thanks, Pam.👍

    Information abounds, but this site is Byrne-specific, and Patrick’s insight is why I come here.😊 He is always welcome to answer or not and still be appreciated, but I would love to hear his thoughts on where he might move if he had a young family.👶

    I’m not sure if I will ever leave the US permanently myself, but I do worry about my children and their future families. My oldest son is currently studying biology and neuroscience, and is driven to become a surgeon. My little one is a hard-core science lover already, and has a boundless imagination. If they continue with their STEM educations as planned, they may truly have a chance to get out, if desired or necessary. My job, as their mother, is to never stop thinking about that possibility for a single moment, and to seek wisdom on the subject from those who possess it.

    Sounds like you really went through hell trying to move to the UK. Did you still manage to tie the knot?💍 I hope you did and that you and your handsome Brit are very happy together.❤ I’m sure his accent is to die for.😉

  9. Found Rubin a couple of months ago and like his show and how he covers stuff, but I always get the impression he has no pants on…

      1. Yes I watch and I just get the feeling that he is conducting interviews with shirt jacket and no pants… just a joke

  10. Looking forward to listening to the Rubin. Yes, would love to see you on a 3 hr Joe Rogan episode.

    I heard on MSNBC last night John Brennan is going after libertarians to “remove them from the population”. What’s all that about? Sounds insane…

  11. Hope that more people start cancelling cable TV and boycotting companies like Twitter,Facebook,Microsoft,Apple,Google and Amazon who some of the censoring goons for the DNC.

    I don’t think the corrupt politicians of either party will pay attention until We The People unite behind basic principles and become an economic force to make positive change WITHOUT the help of politicians.
    Money talks and it can be used to make positive change in contrast to all the bad things it is also used for.

    Wish a few companies would work together to create a PRINCIPLED “super website” that combines social media/networking with commerce/trade/finance and integrates their various affiliated companies.
    When Patrick was still with Overstock I had suggested this idea to them several times over the past 3 years.
    They seemed like the perfect company to work with We The People to do this.Sigh.

    Imagine a website/app/network where people from all over the world unite behind the principles of truth,freedom,goodwill,integrity,humility,the Non-Aggression Principle,the Golden Rule and voluntarily helping others.A place where we use social media,networking,trade & commerce to support each other and promote these principles we share.(And a homepage that gets this message/mission statement across crystal clear).Imagine a focused,inspired user base dedicated to promoting this.A virtual shining city on the hill that could set an example for the world to see..

    I am thinking competition for facebook,twitter,amazon,google/youtube,apple,netflix,big banks/brokerages,Mainstream Media and even politicians!
    Just taking a little market share from each could turn into something awesome.

  12. Patrick,

    Did you ever get in touch with The Epoch Times American Thought Leaders guy, Jan Jekielek? You have a higher profile now than you did before.

  13. Mr. Bryne,

    I hope you’re feeling well. I write you a second time to invite you to a discussion on how we might remedy our collective catastrophe.

    The answer is the left-libertarian tradition traceable from Montesquieu, through the physiocrats and John Locke, to Henry George, and a plethora of others–not least Mr. Friedman and Hillel Steiner. (You do remember Mr. Friedman’s comments about the “least bad tax” being the old Georgist thereom from so many years ago, I hope?)

    I could use your help, Mr. Byrne, because I have a viable mechanism to bypass politics and implement a just, single tax with true, free trade. But I do not need your help to bypass the establishment. And I won’t write you many more times, because frankly speaking, sir, I have a solution that does not require your help or anyone else’s. I am primarily interested in speaking with you, not because your support or approval is necessary or even relevant to my schemes, but because you have a connection to Ms. Butina.

    You see, Mr. Byrne, I am not banking on my private approach to work in the long-run, given the unpredictability of both the law and humankind. But I hope to take a multi-pronged approach that involves appealing to those who have some public mechanism to implement geoism. You have a direct connection to President Putin through Ms. Butina, who, herself, in her own words, might be the President of Russia some day. And I have the answer that will unify America, China, and Russia under a just, multi-polar world order, consistent with the traditions and ideals of all nations.

    Kind regards,
    J L Amade Hill Edwards

  14. Patrick, really like the concept of locals.com.

    You need to heavy up on the vitamin C (4500 mgs a day), D3 (5000 IU’s a day), and Zinc (60 mgs a day), while you’re in that warm and sunny place sunbathing.

    Our immune system is an amazingly effective machine if you keep it operating at maximum capacity.

  15. “Facebook has made an unscrupulous Faustian bargain with the federal government which should eliminate all doubt once and for all. They are now willfully handing over private messages of Trump supporters who talked about the events at the capitol on January 6.”

    Now more then ever we need true private messaging. There is one place right now. https://www.mangofarmassets.com/mangowallet

    Here you can encrypt anything and send it to a recipient and only that recipient can read it. Unfortunately right now this is the only website using this function. Since these messages are “transferred” via Block Chain any 3rd party could use this function. We are working on bringing this functionality to the phone apps.

    Any coders out there that wish to help with this give a shout.

  16. “Facebook has made an unscrupulous Faustian bargain with the federal government which should eliminate all doubt once and for all. They are now willfully handing over private messages of Trump supporters who talked about the events at the capitol on January 6.”

    Now more then ever we need truly private messaging. There is a functioning system out there but only one web site that I know of is using it currently: https://www.mangofarmassets.com/mangowallet

    Here you can encrypt any digital data and only the recipients you want can see it. Since this uses open source Block Chain to transfer the data any 3rd party app could use this.

    We are working to bring this same functionality to phone app but we all work for free and when RL is not in the way.

    Any coders out there that wish to help give a shout.

    my private address: RJrn2w2DrYv2bwr7dMCB4p2bubZdwxXen9

  17. Right now CCP kidnaps its own Chinese partners in crime. Tomorrow, it’s going to kidnap its US partners in crime. Those moronic democrats who are jumping up and down to back CCP in the US for a little bit of money should get half a brain.


  18. Hey Patrick, I watched the video. Dave mentions that there’s content that he can’t bring up for fear of his channel being killed. Can you expand on that and tell us which things? Seems like it’s important stuff if Dave isn’t allowed to talk about it.

  19. Patrick appears very upbeat, a lot happier, probably because he left that depressing swamp of DC; a lot of bad energy there.
    I hope he’ll continue to post his interviews here.

  20. Fraud in American Elections have been going on for some time. So this is NOT news to the Uniparty or Swamp creatures.
    In fact a well researched book “Votescam” was written in 1994 and immediately censored and banned. So we Americans have continued to play in this farce and illusion that we had freedom. The Matrix is alive while we exist in the Truman Show.
    It is still available for electronic download.


  21. Congrats, Patrick. Your book has finally made a dent in those scumbags. The lawsuit means your book was super high quality and persuasive. They’re not getting a dime out of you, Mike, NMax Oan or anyone else. What they’re gonna get is some nice hard prison time. Thanks again Patrick, nice job………..www.smartcash1.com

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