Voting ends on 12/31/2019 at 11:59pm Utah (MST) Time.
Only one vote per IP address is allowed per day. Multiple votes for a single entry by the same IP address will be removed as necessary each day.
After reviewing the votes, IP address log, and voting log, Patrick will make the final decision and award the prize. Please be patient for the results.
REMINDER: The final decision will be based on several factors, not just the highest number of votes, as we know this can be manipulated with technology. Patrick will make the final decision after reviewing the actual essay as well as the vote log.
Hey Patrick I can’t help but feel like my submission (titled ‘latest deep state executive summary’) wasn’t properly submitted, regardless I thank you for this opportunity to dive into your work and am grateful for what I’ve learned from it. Best of luck to the contestants and your(our) future 🙂
🙂 yourself! Thanks for making the effort.
IMO,Patrick should just pick the winner out of ALL the essays that were submitted based on which one he thinks would grab the attention of the average person,get his basic points across and motivate the average person to read further into his story.
Too easy to manipulate internet votes.
Who are XYZ Pat? Have you lost faith in Barr?
Not faith. But man the pace of the feds…. I would have never been able to be one. Not patient enough.
Patrick I would highly advise not picking the winner just from whomever gets the most votes. It is extremely easy to “buy” votes on the internet and with a whole BTC at stake people can easily pay their way to the top spot.
Choose the one you like the most!!
-from the guy who made this:
Maybe you are right. Will think about it. Still have a few days.
Did you make a new video? I think that would have won.
I would love to make another one! I will see if I can “video-ize” my submission since it made it to the top 7. Or we could do an interview/chat on my crypto channel sometime if you’re interested!
You must have talent, kid. Sure, let’s chat sometime.
Patrick – if you didn’t see the link to vid below, it’s:–g
I spotted a youtube video of a tarot reading someone just did for you. Interesting information you might find helpful. This woman has done readings on Trump, Obama and other famous and not so famous people. Seems quite accurate. Unfortunately, she doesn’t do private readings because she said it was too draining. You could comment anonymously on this video!
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It does seem like someone is trying to send me a message, does it not? It seems shockingly well-informed, too. And though it is wrong about one major guess, I admire it for having and taking such a strong POV.
Any other such things you wish to bring to my attention, feel free, Pam.
Whoever posted “The Return of the Magi” is definitely spamming votes – 480 votes with only 188 views?
Agreed this looks fraudulent Patrick!
The first day or two is when most votes will usually naturally show up as a function of how many people someone actually knows and can solicit a vote from (like a bell curve), after that all of these entries with hundreds of latent miraculous votes are fraudulent. Non-profits usually employ polls like this and they are spammed routinely in the same manner.
TBH, there’s a LARGE group behind him, we as O were NSS’d to death. We’ve been fighting this corrupt market for close to 2 decades now, some of the members as much as 25 years.
So no, its not spamming, its a bunch of patriots from all over the globe! 🙂
You are conflating some diamond stock shorting case victim population with votes in a contest.
Sorry but you, the thirsty author, have no online presence to correlate with an astronomically suspicious amount of votes and you should be ashamed of using a VPN and private browser to scam Byrne out of a bitcoin, posting in the comments section ex post facto to try and paint some bogus picture justifying your behavior. You need followers and traffic to spread a message like that and get engagement, which you don’t have, no one is falling for that.
For shame.
What happened to your Twitter account? Is this another sign of potential doom and gloom – or more of a strategic move?
He changed it to @PatrickByne
Someone had suggested I use “PatriotByrne” as it had the right number of letters and almost the right spelling. I found out I can just use PatrickByrne and have switched.
Patrick many of the top entries are vote spammed – as a twitter user pointed out you can vote endlessly by switching IPs:
That was awesome! Well done, and happy new year to you.
oops, meant comment for Kinetic Crypto below.
BTW, did vote for your entry name_elsewhere!
Hey Patrick! I made the video version of my entry ––g
Hey, awesome video, enjoyed it, nice summary, great cuts – very well done!
Patrick, Your vote system has been compromised and is being rigged by several immoral participants. I’m sure you will find voting for the top entrants all come from the same hand full of IP’s.
You should reconsider rewarding this behavior.
I have loved your story from jump. You Patrick are being 100% transparent and for that I love you too!
I would love for you to give me a follow back on Twitter.
Gen. Flynn Did….I am an advocate for Jesus Christ and then Im 100% Patriot.
I loved the tarot reading, however I don’t believe in them, but its entertaining 😄…my twitter handle is [email protected].
Thanks Patrick for what you are doing for this Country.
BTW, you are a child of the Most High God and he is bringing you in the light. FEAR only God, he is your one true redeemer. God Bless and hopefully will talk again.
Thank you for hosting this contest, and furthermore this site and your story. I have found myself captivated by your stories having found this place in 2019… and realizing the depth at which you delved into the belly of the beast since before our “great rescission” I read your recent stories as they dropped and even though writing isn’t necessarily my strong point I put my heart into my essay and feel proud that it made it to the final cut, more-so that it was read by my peers, and you. Happy New year and may the good guys be victorious.
Patrick, Return of the Magi voters are legit. We’re a group of your supporters who have also been NSS’d for years & are sick of the fraud. Thank you for taking the helm in this battle.
Patrick, I can’t help but notice that Return of the Magi was removed and it makes us as shareholders feel like someone is trying to block our cause once again. We are 50,000 strong that were naked shorted and want our justice too! Please consider reposting Return of the Magi
I already left one response. It is 12/31 9:11 PST
My “Return of the Magi” post has been leading the contest for weeks. Now while leading, it has been taken down. This is the second time this has happened. Also it says you can vote once a day. I have been unable to vote the last 3 days. Many others have told me the same thing. What is going on here?
Steve Oldepro” Walker
The markets are manipulated, now even Byrne’s contest is manipulated.
I’m deeply disappointed Patrick Byne.
Patrick: How did your legal action change the beneficiary status of shareholders ? or did it.
Hi guys.
Some have noted that the terms on the context were somewhat loosy-goosy. That has a benefit, too: it leaves me room to act with some subjectivity.
A lot of people put a lot of effort into reading and writing these summaries. Unfortunately, IP inspection shows that there has been a tremendous amount of gaming of voting (not a surprise with 1 BTC on the line). So I am going to have to decide subjectively which I think is the best summary. Decision soon.
Hi Patrick, thank you for all you are doing! Appreciate you turning me on to Hernado DeSoto, am doing asset management work in a similar vein (open source approach, mission driven company). Tried to reach out to you via Mr Pettway, not sure if note was forwarded. If you’re interested in a dialogue regarding asset management, please reach out. My email was provided in the “Seventeen Shades of Grey” submission (hope you enjoyed the Grateful Dead reference). Peace and safety to you in 2020, and ty again for all you’re doing! Respect.
PS, in case you didn’t know, Maria landed a git with Russian RT news agency, seems to have landed ok. Probably a tough topic to bring up, just throwing it out there..
PPS, this whole thing is much much bigger than most realize, way beyond the 3 names you cited, they and #44 are just puppets, so please use care and watch your six!
Waiting on your Honor,
Good New Year Spirit to All
Dear Patrick,
Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
It seems like it was a lot of work and effort to digest all your articles and create a concise summary. Why do not you give 1 BTC each to 7 finalists?
Seriously? It is an extremely generous contest to begin with, and it is not like he owes any of the submittees anything.
The world of “everyone gets a prize” is one that encourages mediocrity. I think him subjectively choosing his favorite is ultimately the best course since it is his Bitcoin, afterall.
I agree with the previous poster. Or, he could just split 1 BTC into 7. He gave them their word, and in return the posters gave their time.
I agree with the previous poster. Or, he could split 1 BTC into 7. Patrick gave them his word, and the posters gave him their time in return. All 7 gave their time, so why not split the price into 7?
Patrick could reward all 7 finalists. He could split 1 BTC into 7. Patrick gave them his word, and the posters gave him their time in return. All 7 gave their time, so why not split the prize into 7?
Who won considering all your criteria?
I agree with the previous poster, Patrick should reward all 7 finalists. He could split 1 BTC into 7. Patrick gave them his word, and the posters gave him their time in return. All 7 gave their time, so why not split the price into 7?
I agree with the previous poster, Patrick should reward all 7 finalists. He could split 1 BTC into 7. Patrick gave them his word, and the posters gave him their time in return. All 7 gave their time, so why not split the prize into 7?
Patrick should reward all 7 finalists. He could split 1 BTC into 7. Patrick gave them his word, and the posters gave him their time in return. All 7 gave their time, so why not split the prize into 7?
How does a contest equate to “he gave his word so now he must reward everyone?” What about everyone else that didn’t make the finals because a couple of contestants rigged the voting? Did they not work just as hard? This wasn’t a contract for labor, and you treating it like you are owed some sort of compensation just because you entered a contest is at best childish. I would go into more colorful detail, but I respect Patrick and his work too much to flame on his site.
Bottom line: Life isn’t fair, suck it up buttercup, and be thankful you had a chance to win at all.
Patrick, why not give 1 BTC to everyone who comments on this site?
kidding, I’m kidding….. just joining in with the people who believe in “free stuff, more free stuff”
I hope that you have a relatively great Happy New Year, given all you have been through. For 20 years “lashed to the mast” you ought to allow yourself some play time…..
Patrick, why not give 1 BTC to everyone who comments on this site?
kidding, I’m kidding….. just joining in with the people who believe in “free stuff, more free stuff”
I hope that you have a relatively great Happy New Year, given all you have been through. For 20 years “lashed to the mast” you ought to allow yourself some play time…..
Hey Patrick, when are you announcing the winner?
Did we ever get a winner winner chicken dinner?
Hi Patrick,
You don’t have a “Contact Us” page so I’m posting here, hoping you’ll see this.
Know anyone at Overstock Cares who could help?
I never have any luck with these requests (
My Request to Overstock Cares:
“When RSVP holds a fundraising event, it typically includes a raffle. Our volunteers frequently spend their own money to provide the prizes. (Not to mention other needs, like vet care, supplies, food, etc. They do so much!) Most events have 20+ prizes valued at about $25 each. If we received a high value donated item, we might have a separate raffle or silent auction. If Overstock can offer ANY donations, we would be most appreciative! We are a small, all-volunteer group providing outreach services to pet owners and animals in need since 1996.”
Overstock Cares Reply:
“Hi Susan,
Thank you for submitting your request to Overstock Cares, the philanthropic arm of dedicated to bettering our community and helping those in need. We are unfortunately unable to assist with this request. For more information on Overstock Cares and our policy, please visit this page:
Thanks again for reaching out. We wish you the best moving forward.
Overstock Cares”