Wonder Woman Dr. Theresa Long Arrives in the Nick of Time to Expose Vaccine Injuries Within DOD

Once again, it’s a woman who finds the courage.

Five weeks ago I wrote of an Army Flight Surgeon named Lt. Colonel Dr. Theresa Long, MD, of Ft. Rucker, Alabama (home of US Army Aviation). Dr. Long had provided a disturbing yet riveting affidavit for use in Dr. Simone Gold’s case demanding that the DOD stop its mandatory vaccination program, at least for anyone who had recovered from Covid. Given the strength of Dr. Long’s affidavit, the suit was expanded into a claim that all DOD mandatory vaccinations should stop.

Within 24 hours of publishing Dr. Long’s affidavit, we had 160,000 people show up and read it. That was a record for DeepCapture.

Sadly, several days later I got word that according to her lawyers, Dr. Long’s affidavit had been “withdrawn” and she was unavailable to speak. It happened immediately after Marine Lt. Colonel Scheller was put in the brig, and methought something like that had happened to Dr. Long or she had been threatened. I did not want to write about it lest I create any trouble for her.

Dr. Long surfaced today in a hearing in the United States Senate held by Senator Ron Johnson, and Theresa ain’t backin’ down from nuttin’. I would guess that what happened is she got threatened and may have tried to slip out of things, but then the Senator got in touch and once she took their call and was sworn in, she had a duty to speak the truth (and the Senate has a duty to shield her and her career from repercussions).

Thanks to CentipedeNation for additional research

NB To anyone within DOD, or the USG in general, who is vax-hesitant but getting bullied into taking the shot against your will (such as Dr. Long describes in the second video above)… Don’t do it. They are crumbling. European nations are decertifying versions of the vaccine, a state judge just halted Chicago’s mandatory clot-shot for police, American Airlines just cancelled 2,300 flights, AFLDS.org’s Dr. Simone Gold has her case in federal court in Denver against the DOD, another in California against Kaiser, another suit on the way against another large medical system, 48 state Supreme Courts and two dozen separate federal courts are reviewing filings generated by the Tore Maras grassroots movement of open-source-lawfare… the list goes on and on.

The Goons are crumbling at their edges. After Dr. Long’s testimony to the Senate today, I think the cavalry is on its way.

  1. There is something very evil behind this. Any medical professional who ignores the proof of harm from the jab and the natural immunity those who have recovered from the virus have is NOT following the science.
    They are following a agenda.
    It does not include doing no harm.

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  2. Lets look at the track record of Pfizer from the DOJ: fraud, kickbacks, foreign bribery…

    September 2, 2009
    Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing
    “The civil settlement also resolves allegations that Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs.”
    “Illegal conduct and fraud by pharmaceutical companies puts the public health at risk, corrupts medical decisions by health care providers, and costs the government billions of dollars,” said Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division.

    August 7, 2012
    Pfizer H.C.P. Corp. Agrees to Pay $15 Million Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Investigation
    “Pfizer took short cuts to boost its business in several Eurasian countries, bribing government officials in Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Russia to the tune of millions of dollars,”
    “Corrupt pay-offs to foreign officials in order to secure lucrative contracts creates an inherently uneven marketplace and puts honest companies at a disadvantage,” said Assistant Director McJunkin. “Those that attempt to make these illegal backroom deals to influence contract procurement can expect to be investigated by the FBI and appropriately held responsible for their actions.”
    According to court documents, Pfizer H.C.P. made a broad range of improper payments to numerous government officials in Bulgaria, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Russia – including hospital administrators, members of regulatory and purchasing committees and other health care professionals – and sought to improperly influence government decisions in these countries regarding the approval and registration of Pfizer Inc. products, the award of pharmaceutical tenders and the level of sales of Pfizer Inc. products. According to court documents, Pfizer H.C.P. used numerous mechanisms to improperly influence government officials, including sham consulting contracts, an exclusive distributorship and improper travel and cash payments.

    April 27, 2016
    Wyeth and Pfizer Agree to Pay $784.6 Million to Resolve Lawsuit Alleging That Wyeth Underpaid Drug Rebates to Medicaid

    May 24, 2018
    Pfizer Agrees to Pay $23.85 Million to Resolve Allegations that it Paid Kickbacks Through a Co-Pay Assistance Foundation

  3. “I, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH, FS, declare under the penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of America, and state upon personal knowledge that:”

    This smells kind of like a David Jose Affidavit… or at least an influenced one.

    28 U.S. Code § 1746 – Unsworn declarations under penalty of per­jury

    (1)If executed without the United States: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).

    (2)If executed within the United States, its territories, possessions, or commonwealths: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).

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