Locker Room Loudmouths

I was generally averse to team sports (though I wrestled for years, but in the end that is not really a team sport: individual wrestlers just move around in groups). I did, however, play football for some years of highs school and college, where I became familiar with a type of human I came to think of as, “locker room loudmouth”.

What is a locker room loudmouth? The term is largely self-explanatory, but the image it calls to my mind is that of guys I knew who showed a lot of bravado in times and places it did not matter, but in the moments it did were weak in the knees.

The astute reader will note that there are journalists using my name. Rachel Maddow was recently crying about me for two nights in a row. Chris Cuomo had his own conniptions about me around the same time. Oddly, neither of them really explain what is wrong about what I am doing: they simply evince an emotional response, that I suppose is meant to encourage the viewer to do the same.

Tellingly, neither Chris Cuomo nor Rachel Maddow will have my on their show. For as much time as they spend on occasion venting about me, neither will permit me on to address their concerns directly. Some month or two ago, Cuomo’s producer actually contacted me to ask me on, and I agreed. But then they rescinded on the grounds that too much news had arisen from the Hill that day…. then opened up their show that night talking about me for 5 minutes?

Does that seem odd?

I want them and everyone to know that I am willing to go on their shows live, any time I start getting to them again. Which I think may begin to happen this coming Friday, when the Maricopa Audit is revealed in the Arizona Senate at 1 PM.

Do they want to shadowbox all their lives, or do they want to discuss these points they make and about which they display such certainty?

For good measure, I’ll throw in the same offer to George Stephanopoulis. We will match Rhodes-Marshall wits.

  1. I would be grestly surprised if they ever invite you on their shows… they know they’re lying and that their political positions are untenable. You would point out – factually – where they are wrong & lying! They don’t want that embarrassment!


  2. Seriously I don’t know why more people haven’t tried this, I work two shifts, 2 hours in the day and 2 in the evening…And i get surly a check of 💵$12600 what’s awesome is I m working from home so I get more time with my kids.
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  3. Seriously I don’t know why more people haven’t tried this, I work two shifts, 2 hours in the day and 2 in the evening…And i get surly a check of 💵$12600 what’s awesome is I m working from home so I get more time with my kids.
    Try it, you won’t regret it!………….👉

  4. Because they are all mason and Bar members. They are here to distract.

    Just like Defend Florida and Caroline Wethington. The entre group is run by Bar members and they shut down any questions. They will not talk about why they don’t use the same affidavits as Liz Harris used.

  5. One reason why I have been advocating for an organized boycott of big tech and mainstream media the past few years encouraging people to cancel cable/satellite/streaming TV bundles which give money to these liars and their companies as well as boycotting twitter,facebook,apple,google,amazon and microsoft.
    All channels should be made available individually so consumers don’t have to give money to channels they don’t want to.

    If Trump posted an action plan encouraging this it would have immediate impact and it would be SO EASY TO DO,yet he still won’t do it.
    We The People cannot count on Trump or any politician to even do something this easy.
    I wish JUST ONE famous, widely followed “conservative” media personality or politician would promote an action plan like this.
    But they won’t,so I will.

    I don’t think the corrupt politicians of either party will pay attention to policy concerns of We The People until We The People unite behind basic principles and become an economic force.
    Money talks and it can be used to make positive change in contrast to all the bad things it is also used for.

    ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance by media/tech/finance giants and politicians:

  6. You and little Georgie standing side by side. What a visual! No, you’d both have to sit behind a large table, legs hidden so the viewers couldn’t see that his feet don’t touch the floor. He is a mental midget as well.

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  8. Mr potatoe-head and Madcow stand out and do NOT qualify for unbiased journalism. They are buffoons who continuously make fools out of themselves with their false narratives

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